Bingo Event

Bingo Opportunity Tickets

Leon Owens Foundation Bingo Sponsorship

As a sponsor for the Leon Owens Foundataion event, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you
are “Making A Difference” in our community with your contribution.

You agree:
Your organization will provide sponsorship funding on or before the date of TBA.
Your organization will provide a digital copy of your logo, which will be used in promotional materials.

Please email and attach your logo.

If you wish to pay by check Please,
Click Here to download Sponsorship Form in PDF format.
And Mail to:

Leon Owens Foundation
1105 S. Euclid St
Suite D-349
Fullerton CA 92832


Date TBA; 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at The Hotel Fullerton, California

Advertisement Agreement Ads can be submitted as camera ready artwork or email in
JPG format and 300 dpi resolution.

Please email files to:, no later than
October 5, 2018, for placement in the program book.

If you wish to pay by check please:
Click Here to download Adverting Agreement in PDF format.

And Mail to:

Leon Owens Foundation
1105 S. Euclid St
Suite D-349
Fullerton CA 92832